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  • 一次交通事故 A Traffic Accident 发表日期:2013-02-03

    Yesterday when I was walking along the street, I saw an old lady in front of me.he wanted to cross the street.All of a sudden, a bicycle ran against her at a high speed. The old woman fell to the ground. The cyclist was very frightened and...

  • 记一次植树节活动 发表日期:2013-02-03

    March 12th is Tree Planting Day. This year our school bought enough trees before that day . On that day , we didn't had classes . The teachers and our classmates planted trees around our school. We began to planted trees as soon as we got...

  • 愚人节 April Fool 发表日期:2013-02-03

    Last March, my mother told my father and me that my grandfather would come in April. We were very happy because my grandfather was an interesting old man and he had not visited us since he went to Hong Kong. On April 1 my father and I boug...

  • 城市与乡村 City and Countryside 发表日期:2013-02-03

    I live in a big city. But this summer holiday I want to go to the countryside to relax. The big city is modern and lively, but there is much noise, pollution, traffic, and the people in it are very busy. I dont like it.I like to visit nice...

  • 给笔友的一封信 A Letter To Pen Firends 发表日期:2013-02-01

    A Letter To Pen Firends Dear Andy lewis,hello. how have you been? I have read magazine advertisement knowing you are hunting for some people who can be your pen-friends firstly,please allow me to introduce myself. I am Li Ping and I have a...

  • 欲速则不达 Haste Makes Waste 发表日期:2013-01-30

    Haste makes waste The proverb Haste makes waste means that one may delay the time to complete one thing if he rushes to do it, because he may neglect something important in the process and has to do it again from the beginning. So one shou...

  • 电力的重要性 The Importance of Electricity 发表日期:2013-01-30

    When you go to work in the morning and find that traffic lights don't work, the traffic jam will certainly happen. A patient needs to be operated on at once. What will happen if the operation cannot be made because of the electricity. With...

  • 如何防止沉迷网络游戏 发表日期:2013-01-30

    Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him. First, I think its very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his...

  • 关于停电 Power Cut 发表日期:2013-01-30

    Last evening, we had a power cut at eight o'clock. At that moment, Mr.Zhang was watching an NBA match. It's really exciting! But he missed the end, because of the power cut. And there was also something terrible with Mrs. Zhang. She was in...

  • 通讯方式的变化 The Change of Communication Methods 发表日期:2013-01-28

    With the rapid development of science and technology, communication methods of people have changed a lot. In the long history of the past, people communicated with people who were far from them only by letters, which took a very long time...

  • 学习英语的重要性 It's Important to Learn English 发表日期:2013-01-28

    English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. Online, you'll find lots of information in English. If you don't understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more kno...

  • 网购的利与弊 发表日期:2013-01-28

    We talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these days. Some students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the internet. The shops on Internet, for example taobao.com, 360buy.com are open for almost...

  • 关于中学生使用手机 发表日期:2013-01-28

    Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. Some students think that it is easy to use them to keep in touch with parents and classmates.Also,they can be used to listen to music or take phot...

  • 我喜欢英语 I Like English 发表日期:2013-01-28

    Maybe many chirdren don't like learn English because English is hard for us.But I like English very mach. English story is my favourite!Because story can make a world.I can fly in this world.This world is a beautiful garden.It has trees,fl...

  • 我的未来 My Future 发表日期:2013-01-23

    我的未来 My Future范文1: Sometimes I think about my future.But I am always a little scared.Because I do not know what I will be,in the future. Now,I know,my ambition is to be a famous musician. Because I want to give people a lot of fun.M...