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  • 退休年龄之我见 My View on Retiring Age 发表日期:2020-09-07

    In China, there is law to set the specific retiring age for women and men. Female can retire at the age of 55; while male have to be 60. Aim at this phenomenon, now there is a hot discussion about this age problem. Many people think this a...

  • 关于自尊的英语作文 发表日期:2019-09-28

    1.自尊心及其重要性; 2.自尊心强的人会,自尊心不强的人会 3.我的建议。[写作导航]首先采用定义法指出什么是自尊,以及自尊的重要性;第二段可举例说明自尊程度不同,表现也明显不同,成就也会不同;第三段结尾,指出如何获得自尊及如何帮助缺乏自尊的人...

  • 投诉噪音污染 Complaint about the Noise Pollution 发表日期:2019-07-09

    Dear Sir or Madam,My name is Li Ming, a student of this campus,and I venture to write a letterto you to complain about the noise pollution around our university which has disturbed us alot. Recently, we students are greatly disturbed by th...

  • 外国人学中文 On Foreigners's Learning Chinese 发表日期:2019-05-31

    Nowadays, Chinese, our mother tongue, is enjoying an unprecedented popularity in the world. Over two hundred Confucius Institutes have been set up in sixty-nine countries,and many foreigners are attracted by the old, mysterious and charmin...

  • 申请担任教学志愿者 Serve as a Teaching Volunteer 发表日期:2019-05-31

    Dear Sir or Madam,I'm writing to apply for participating in volunteer teaching in the rural area program. I have been hoping for becoming a volunteer teacher for a long time, so please consider me for the post. I made the decision based on...

  • 英语六级写作范文:必修课、选修课 发表日期:2019-04-16

    1. 中国目前的高校依然以必修课为主,学生必须修完所指定的科目,也有少量选修课程。 2. 是否应让大学生根据自己的兴趣爱好来自行选择大学中的学习课程。 3. 你的看法。 Should the College Students Choose the Subject by Themselves 应该让学生自己选择科...

  • 文明礼貌 Good Manners 发表日期:2019-03-25

    Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person? W...

  • 不文明现象 Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents 发表日期:2019-03-25

    作文题目: Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents 1. 目前某市政府在媒体上曝光不文明的市民 2. 人们对这种做法反应不一 3. 你的看法 [范文] Publicizing Lists of Uncivilized Residents To improve tbe behavior of its citizens, the government o...

  • 网络安全问题 发表日期:2019-03-25

    1.随着社会和经济发展,网络成为了每个人必不可少的获取信息的工具 2.但是,在网络上也出现了一些不和谐的因素,如垃圾信息,黄色网站,虚假新闻,网络炒作等。 3.如何采取措施制止和消除这些现象。 题材连接:在当今的社会中,"和谐"这个词汇出现的频...

  • 文凭与知识的关系 发表日期:2019-03-25

    1. 目前社会上存在这样一种说法:文凭越高越吃香; 2.而有些人则认为文凭不等于知识; 你的观点 审题概述 这是一篇论述高文凭与知识关系的文章。 第一段,概述社会上文凭越高越吃香的看法。 第二段,主要论述有些人文凭不等于知识的观点。 第三段,重点阐述你...

  • 毕业后的抉择 发表日期:2019-03-25

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on topic Starting Career in a Big City or Small Town? You should write at least 250 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1. 很多的大学生毕业后留在...

  • 大学英语六级写作:纸质阅读 发表日期:2019-03-18

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why you prefer online (paper) reading to paper (online) reading. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. [范文] With mobile phones w...

  • 态度决定一切 Attitude Is Everything 发表日期:2019-03-18

    Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Attitude Is Everything by commenting on the proverb, Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 wo...

  • 旅行与旅游业 发表日期:2019-03-18

    旅行与旅游业 例文1: Thanks to the deepening of reform and opening-up, citizens of the middle kingdom enjoy a sharp improvement in their living standards. The world is so big that I want to see it more has become their slogan. And getting...

  • 互相帮助 发表日期:2019-03-18

    The rapid development of today's society has aroused a heated discussion as to whether we should help others in the society. Views on the topic vary greatly among people from different walks of life, among which there goes a well-known say...