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  • 假期综合症 Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students 发表日期:2014-07-06

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Post-holiday Syndrome Among Students. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 很多学生在开学伊始都会出现假期综合症 2....

  • 辞职信 Letter of Resignation 发表日期:2014-06-11

    Dear Mr. Wang, 亲爱的黄先生: Thanks for offering me the opportunity to work for Designs Fashion .But I have to say sorry for having to quit this job. 非常感谢你给了我为设计和时尚工作的机会。但我不得不说抱歉因为要辞掉这份工作。 Painfully,...

  • 关于亚健康的英语作文 Sub-health 发表日期:2014-05-14

    1、随着现代化的不断加速发展,全世界的物质生活水平不断攀升,但人们却日益受到亚健康这种不良状态的威胁。 2、亚健康的具体表现及在我国的蔓延程度(据调查,北京75%、上海72%、广州70%的上班族都处于亚健康状态) How to Deal with Sub-health With the m...

  • 通向成功的途径 Opportunity and Success 发表日期:2014-05-14

    1、有人说机会对取得成功起重要作用 2、也有人说智慧和勤奋才是通向成功的惟一途径 3、我的看法 Some deem that opportunity is the key to success. For example, those global business giants like Google owe their success to the huge opportunities t...

  • 关于自学英语作文 About Self-Study 发表日期:2014-05-05

    Depending on my personal experience and emotional preference, I find that self-study is an extremely important skill for those who want to learn new things.The reasons are as following. First, self-study is an effective way to broaden our...

  • 限制使用一次性塑料袋 Disposable Plastic Bags 发表日期:2014-05-02

    Limiting The Use of Disposable Plastic Bags 1.一次性塑料袋曾被广泛的使用。 2.造成的问题。 大学英语作文 3.限制使用的意义。 Disposable plastic bags were once widely used in China. When we went shopping at supermarkets and departments stores,...

  • 关于清明节的英语作文 发表日期:2014-04-07

    关于清明节的英语作文一: Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filia...

  • 关于清明节的英语作文 发表日期:2014-04-07

    关于清明节的英语作文一: Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filia...

  • 关于元旦的英语作文 发表日期:2014-04-07

    英语作文范文一:New Year's Day Yesterday my mother asked me a question, which makes me a Joji monk - scratching their heads. She asked what I want New Year's Day gift, I said: I want to eat a lot of good food. Mom heard shook his head and...

  • 一封推荐信 A Letter of Recommendation 发表日期:2014-04-07

    he Second Department of English Beijing Foreign Language Institute Beijing, China July 17, 1989 Lemon Language Institute Sidney, Australia Dear President, It is a great honour for me to introduce to you one of my very best student, Miss Sh...

  • 关于挫折的英语作文 发表日期:2014-04-07

    If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking....

  • 关于沉迷智能手机 martphone Addiction 发表日期:2014-03-23

    As the development of modern technology, Smartphone has become quite popular all over the world with its outstanding functions. People can use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal micro blog, and upload their latest pictures...

  • 我有一个梦想 I Have a Dream 发表日期:2014-03-16

    Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I'm different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings. Because I want to fly in...

  • 家的重要性 The Importance of Family 发表日期:2014-02-22

    Family is a very important part of daily life in material as well as in spirit. It's important not only because it provides us a place to live in, but also it supports us in spiritual aspect. Family is the most familiar place for us, where...

  • 遵守校规 Obey The School Rules 发表日期:2014-02-22

    As the saying goes No rules no. If people don't obey the rules, our society will be a mess. So does our school. If the school doesn't have rules to limit students' behavior, the whole school will be in chaos. Although some school rules see...