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  • 学习是一生的事业 Learning is a lifelong career 发表日期:2013-07-31

    As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual...

  • 世界无烟日 World No Tobacco Day 发表日期:2013-07-31

    This year's observance of World No Tobacco Day focuses on Gender and tobacco, with an emphasis on marketing to women. Although fewer than 1 out of 10 women are smokers, that still adds up to an estimated 200 million women around the world....

  • 中国文化 Chinese Culture 发表日期:2013-07-31

    In recent years, there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world, which shows that our Chinese culture become much more popular than ever. As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has long history and c...

  • 学会微笑 Learn to Smile 发表日期:2013-07-31

    Smile is an attitude to life. In our life, there may be something unpleas-ant. For example, you fail in an exam, or another time you are misunder-stood by your friends. These unpleasant things may make you feel bad. Thenwhat will you do? W...

  • 学会感恩 Learn To Thanksgiving 发表日期:2013-07-31

    We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day. However, we should feel gratitude every day. God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Be grateful to others is a way to show y...

  • 绿化我们的城市 Make Our Cities Greener 发表日期:2013-07-30

    Many things have been done and great progress has been made in the greenization of our cities in recent years. Many trees have been planted and much care has been taken of the planted trees. But, in spite of all this, greenization in the c...

  • 我对跳槽的看法 My View on Job-Hopping 发表日期:2013-07-30

    some people tend to stick to their positions all tile time, as theythink the longer one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. some have been teachers all their lives. some devote their life energy to scientific...

  • 美丽校园 Beauty on the Campus 发表日期:2013-07-27

    It is believed in common that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the a...

  • 建设节约型社会 Conservation-oriented Society 发表日期:2013-07-26

    Dear fellow students, 亲爱的同学们, Our government is aiming to build a conservation-oriented society (节约型社会). I think it is every citizen's duty to achieve this goal. 我们政府正在想建立一个节约型社会 As high students, what should we...

  • 昨天今天明天 Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow 发表日期:2013-07-18

    By accident, I turned over a book. A title named Success Depends on today attracted my attention. Meanwhile, Li Dazhao said that today is most precious. Indeed, today is very important. If you don't catch today, you will lose tomorrow. How...

  • 节约能源 Save the Energy Resources 发表日期:2013-07-18

    Another round of energy crisis is knocking at the door. In 2004, world oil consumption reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to skyrocket amazingly. As for China, it was reported that many traditional mineral...

  • 论守时 Punctuality 发表日期:2013-07-18

    论守时Punctuality 写作提纲: 1.守时者与不守时者的区别 2.不守时的危害 3.结论 A punctual person is in the habit of doing things at proper time in a planned way and is always keeping his appointment. He knows that if he wants to succeed in...

  • 关于娱乐与消谴的英语作文 Recreations 发表日期:2013-07-18

    娱乐 Recreations 写作提纲: 1.娱乐是我们生活中的重要组成部分 2.娱乐包括体力和脑力的休闲活动 3.两种休闲的平衡 Recreations are an important part of people's life. For example, after hours of attentive study, students will feel like having...

  • 已婚妇女是否应该从业? Should Married Women Take up Careers? 发表日期:2013-07-18

    已婚妇女是否应该从业?Should Married Women Take up Careers? 写作提纲: 1.我赞同已婚妇女有自己的事业 2.妇女从业的原因 3.鼓励妇女行使选择权,抛弃陈旧观点,积极从业 It is a common belief that married women are house-wives and men are the br...

  • 努力工作和真正的幸福 True Happiness and Hard Work 发表日期:2013-07-18

    When asked to define what happiness is, everyone will probably give different answers. Some people perceive wealth as the meaning for happiness, some consider a successful career as the path to happiness, and still others may treasure fami...