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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-10-11

March 15th, Monday


This evening I went to Li Jiang's birthday party. We sang and danced. We had a good time at the party.


When I left Li Jiang's house, it began to rain. It was late . I had to walk home.


A motorbike ran by me very fast. It hit a boy at the crossing. But the motorbike didn't stop. It ran away.


I felt very angry. I wrote down its number: FD — 2819. I telephoned the police at once. Then I sent the boy to the hospital.

我感到很生气。我写下了它的号码:FD - 2819。我立刻给警察打了电话。然后我把男孩送到医院去了。


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