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  • 乡村游记 A Trip To The Country 发表日期:2015-03-03

    One Sunday my mother (Mother) had (made) me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him. 有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。 While we were walking along the ro...

  • 忙碌而愉快的一天 发表日期:2015-03-03

    I got up early this morning. After breakfast I went to the beach near my home with my friends. We went there by bike. As soon as we got there, we played with the sand and walked on the beach. We also went boating.It was really fantastic. I...

  • 寒假英语日记大全带翻译 发表日期:2015-03-03

    寒假刚过,小编整理了关于寒假英语日记带翻译以供各位同学参考和阅读,希望对于大家的寒假英语日记的写作有所帮助,关于寒假英语日记带翻译我们一起来分享吧! 寒假英语日记带翻译一 January 13 2013 2013年1月13日 It was the first day of our winter holid...

  • 元旦英语日记范文:一个特殊的日子 发表日期:2015-03-03

    Tuesday January lst Sunny 1月1日 星期二 晴 It's New Year's Day today. This morning when I got up, I heardsomebody singing a love song. It was mum! Ifelt very strange because Iknew mum didn't enjoy popular songs. And I didn't think it was s...

  • 父亲节英语日记:爸爸,父亲节快乐 发表日期:2015-03-03

    Dear Dad, 亲爱的爸爸: Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and s...

  • 我的生日 My Birthday 发表日期:2015-03-03

    Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We a...