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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-12-28

The Internet Makes Job Hunting More Efficient

The rapid development of the Internet gives rise to the phenomenon of applying for jobs online. It is commonplace to submit one's resume and recommendation letters via the Internet and a large number of graduates are employed via online tests. I would like to focus on one major advantage which is that job hunting becomes more efficient when it is done online.

One of the pronounced advantages of online job hunting is that it is more efficient since potential candidates do not have to travel to other cities where the job is. The rise of online interviews provides even more convenience both for the employees and the employers. Furthermore, graduates can get access to considerably more information online since there are a number of websites dedicated to job hunting. The Internet has rendered the whole process more effective and efficient. Graduates can select several categories and narrow down their options. In a way, the Internet serves as a gigantic database and matches graduates with their potential employers. However, it is undeniable that an online interview can only reflect some aspects of a candidate. I believe that in order to gauge a person's potential and aptitude face-to-face interview is imperative.

In conclusion, the efficiency and effectiveness of the Internet for job seekers is a huge advantage which is reflected in the growing number of positions available online.


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