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英语 口头通知稿

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-08-21

Dear classmates,may I have your attention,please!l have something to tell you.


The summer holiday is just around the corner.As I know,all of you work very hard during school time,so you should take a good rest during the holiday.And I hope you can relax yourself and try to help your parents with housework.What's more,keep studying for at least 2 hours every day and get prepared for the next term.Besides,please pay attention to your health,so l suggest you doing exercises every day to keep fit.And finally,pay attention to your safety while playing outside and get home on time.By the way,please write a diary to remember some interesting moments on holiday if you think ir's worth writing.

署假就要来了。 据我所知,你们在校期间学习很努力,所以假期你们应该好好休息。我希望你们能够好好放松自己,并且多帮父母做务。还有,要坚持每天学习两个小时,为下个学期做准备。 除此之外,请注意你们的身体健康,为此,我建议每天做点锻炼。最后,在外面玩耍的时候请注意安全,按时回家。顺便说一下,请把你们假期中自已认为值得写的有趣瞬间用日记记下来。

That's all.Thank you for your attention.



便条是一种简单的书信。虽然内容简单,但却有其独特的风格。主要目的是为了尽快地把最新的信息、通知、要求或者活动的时间、地点转告给对方。常见的便条有欠条、留言和请假条等。 特点: 文内语...[阅读全文]

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