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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-10-13



We always working till late at night before taking exams。(误)

We are always working /We always work till late at night before taking exams(正)

We should read books may be useful to us. (误)

We should read books which may be useful to us. (正)


This test is end, but there is another test is waiting for you. (误)

One test ends, but another is waiting for you. (正)

The driver of the red car was died on the spot. (误)

The driver of the red car died on the spot. (正)


Someone/Somebody think that reading should be selective. (误)

Some think that reading should be selective. (正)

My sister go to the cinema at least once a week. (误)

My sister goes to the cinema at least once a week. (正)


I was walking along the road, and there are not so many cars on the street. (误)

I was walking along the road and there were not so many vehicles on the street. (正)

We have little time to read some books which we interest. (误)

We have little time to read some books in which we are interested. (正)

I am a student who has studying in the college for two years. (误)

I have been studying in the college for two years(正)


It is my point that reading must be selectively. (误)

In my opinion, reading must be selective. (正)

Honest is so important for every person. (误)

Honesty is so important for everyone. (正)

The old man was hit by a car when he across the street. (误)

The old man was hit by a car when he was crossing the street. (正)


感叹句通常有what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜 悦、等感情。 what修饰名词,how 修饰形容词,副词或动词,感叹句结构主要有以下几种: 掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。 How +形容词+ a ...[阅读全文]

表示方位的词有很多,这里具体讲解下表示地理位置的方位词。 表示地理位置时,常用介词有3个,它们是in, on和to, 1.in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如: Shanghai is in the east of China. 2.on...[阅读全文]