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keep bleeding是什么意思_keep bleeding怎么读_中文意思_音标_用

作者: admin3来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-29

keep bleeding

A literal translation of "Keep bleeding" is "bleeding". In song lyrics or literature, this phrase is often figurative and may be used to describe an emotional pain that keeps on bleeding and can't be stopped, just like the continuous bleeding of a physical wound. "Keep bleeding" 直译为“持续流血”,在歌词或文学作品中,这个短语往往带有比喻的意味,可能用来形容情感上的伤痛不断、无法停止,就如同身体上伤口的持续流血一样。 It expresses an intense emotional state, such as the psychological trauma of a lost love, constant pain, or deep sadness, as if the emotional pain is constantly "bleeding" in the mind without relief.

In a more practical medical or physiological context, "keep bleeding" simply refers to a situation in which a wound somewhere on the body does not stop bleeding, emphasizing the persistence of the bleeding state. 在更实际的医疗或生理语境中,"keep bleeding" 则简单指身体某处伤口不停止出血的情况,强调出血状态的持续性。


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