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学骑单车 Learn to Ride the Bike

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-01-15

Since I go to high school, I have to walk a very far distance, it always takes me half an hour to reach the school. My father bought me a bike last week, he said it would save a lot of time. But the problem was that I didn't know how to ride. I needed to learn ride the bike. The first time when I rode the bike, I lost my balance quickly and nearly fell down, my father tried to keep my balance, so that I did not fell to the ground. After I tried for an hour, I started to know how to keep the balance and can rode for a few distance. Then my father stayed away from me and watched me. Without my father's protection, I scared, but I needed to learn by myself. I fell down many times, but I finally could ride.



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