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我爱阅读 I love reading

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-07-13

某英文网站为庆祝第20个世界读书日,举办百万同题英语作文大赛,以宣传读书的重要性。假定你是中学生李华,请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇题为I love reading的短文参加比赛。





I Love Reading

I'm Lihua, a middle school student. Though I'm occupied with my study, I still spare much of my free time reading. Whenever I pick up a book, I'm so absorbed in it that I even forget about dinners and sleeping. I cover a wide variety of books whose themes are colorful.

I've benefited greatly from what I read. Through the talks with the famous persons, I not only learn how to overcome difficulties, but also m aster the skills of communicating with people from different cultures. Besides, I've developed my optimism and confidence when facing the unknown. Books are my friends in life and I can't live on without reading.


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