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如何缓解学生的心理压力活动 Relieve Psychological Pressure

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-08-30



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心理健康周 Psychological Health Week

缓解心理压力 relieve psychological pressure

Nowadays, with the fierce competition in study, a lot of students suffer from great mental pressure. Due to it, the Students Union will…


如何缓解学生的心理压力 英语作文范文:

Nowadays, with the fierce competition in study, a lot of students suffer from great mental pressure. Due to it, the Students Union will hold a Psychological Health Week next week, the theme of which is “How to Relieve Mental Pressure”.

In the Psychological Health Week, there will be various kinds of activities. A lecture given by a psychological professor on how to deal with the pressure of study will provide us with professional psychological guidance. There will also be a drama which will show us an excellent performance. In addition, a debate on “Pressure, Good or Bad?” will be expected among the students.

I firmly believe the mental health is of great importance for everyone, especially us senior two students. Thus, the Psychological Health Week is really beneficial for us to relieve pressure and make it motivation for our harder study.


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