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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-09-24

Impression on "Three Days to Light"

During the summervacation, I read a great book, The Story of My Life. I am greatly inspirited bythis book, by the story of Helen Keller. In this book, she tells us her dailylife. She is blind, deaf and dumb, but she tried her best to know our world andbring light to people. By this book, she wanted to warn us that we shouldcherish our life and be good at discovering the miracles of life. We shouldhold light and love in our life. I think it's a good book to teach us tocherish what we have in life, so that cherish it. I will strongly recommend itto my friends and classmates.



Impression on Three Days to Light During the summervacation, I read a great book, The Story of My Life. I am greatly inspirited bythis book, by the story of Helen Keller. In this b...[阅读全文]

The rivers near our city have been seriously polluted recently. The clear water has gone. 最近,我们城市附近的河流被严重污染了。清洁的水不见了。 There used to be many fishes swimmi...[阅读全文]