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阅读倡议书 Reading Matters

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-10-01

调查显示目前我国公民年人均阅读量还不到有些国家的十分之以, “全民阅读”也连续两年被写入了《政府工作报告》。请以“ Reading Matters”为题,写一篇英语倡议书向English Weekly征文专栏投稿。



注意: 1.词数100左右;


Reading Matters

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that


Thanks for your listening.


倡仪书 英语作文范文

Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the annual average reading amount of per Chinese is only about one-tenth of that some other countries in the world,which causes certain worries among us. How did this come about?

The causes consist of two aspects. Firstly,people’s lack of reading habit explains the main reason,which is the most urgent and difficult thing to change. Secondly,it is obvious that people nowadays care more about material gains than the enrichment of the mind.

It’s high time that we paid due attention to developing good reading habit as it can bring us enormous benefits. For one thing,reading enables us to acquire knowledge and thus broadens our horizons. For another,it provides enough food for thought and improves our practical skills. What’s more,reading enriches our mind and makes it possible for us to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Thanks for your listening!


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