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手机影响学习吗?Does Mobile Phone Distract Study?

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-12-27

Today, with the development of technology, people own all kinds of electronic products, mobile phone is very popular, almost everyone has a mobile phone at hand, we even can say that we can't live without mobile phone. As the phone has become so popular, students are also obsessed about it, high school students use cell phone without letting teachers know it, the reason that the teachers ban them to use mobile phone is that the phone will distract students from study. I agree with teachers, as a student, I know exactly how the phone affects me in the class. I always want to check my phone, seeing if there is message. I can't focus on my study, all my mind thinking is to check on the phone. I am not saying we should not use mobile phone, I advise that it is better use it when we are not studying.



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