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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2017-01-23

Spring, people are more busy. As the saying goes: at the spring. You see, in the city's streets, was busy shuttling back and forth to figure, rural land, the farmers are sown the seeds of hope. The walls of the classroom close to the new semester curriculum, books and new books, there are a lot of knowledge of many waiting for us to pick fruit.

I love spring, I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, to see the new green trees and hear the singing of small Ukrainian. I love spring because it is full of vigor, full of new hope!


Since I go to school, the teachers gave us the class in the classroom, it seemed that sitting in the chair and looking at the blackboard are the only way to receive the knowledge. ...[阅读全文]

We couldn't believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the...[阅读全文]