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我们的梦想 Our Dreams

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2017-02-13

上周五,你们班举行了《我们的梦想》的主题班会,在班会上同学们踊跃发言:有的想成为老师;有的想成为一名警察;有的想当医生……。请你根据下面表格的提示以“Our Dreams”为题,写一篇英语短文,报告这次班会的情况,并谈谈你自己的梦想。

2015益阳中考英语作文范文 我们的梦想Our Dreams

Our Dreams
Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report.            


Our dreams

Last Friday, our class held a class meeting about our dreams. Here is my report. Liu Wei wants to be a teacher when she grows up. She is going to study education. Li Ming's dream is to be a policeman. He does sports every day. Su Juan wants to be a movie star. She is going to take acting lessons. I want to be… I'm sure our dreams will come true one day.


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