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怎样与人沟通 How to Communicate With Others

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2013-06-26

Communication is common and important in our daily life. All of us live with others in the society and no one can live cut off from it. Everyday, we must talk to others to give and get information, but how can we communicate with others? Some people claim that they don't know what to say and how to speak to others, strangers especially. I think first you should find a topic that both of you are interested in. Then, pay attention to your manners, speed, pitch, expressions and your body language. You should make others feel comfortable, so that they are willing to talk to you. Last but not the least, being a good listener. Listening to others shows your respect to them. Only when they heard, they want to talk. So do you. Before you talk, listening to others first.



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