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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-06-24

How to Create a Conservation-minded Campus?

The cartoon give above vividly depicted that while a student is watering the flower a teacher reminds him of paying attention to save water. A conservation-minded campus is not only the place without extravagance and waste, but it also means a palace of harmony. Such a campus is clean, tidy and recyclable.

Surely, it's not easy to realize such a beautiful dream and create such as an ideal campus. However, there are certain suggestions which are probably conducive to the construction of a conservation-minded campus. Firstly, it's advisable for universities to make full use of clean energies as many as possible, such as solar energy, wind energy and natural gas. For example, university canteen could cook by solar energy. Secondly, it's necessary for campuses to establish a whole recycling system from garbage collection to water reuse. Thirdly, strengthening the awareness of environmental protection and conservational economy is vital to the construction of a conservation-minded campus.

The establishment of a conservation-mined campus does good to maintain a sustainable development for the university in the long run. Both university authority and students will benefit from such a scheme.


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