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森林的重要性 Why Are Trees Important

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-03-04

请以"Why Are Trees Important"为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。

Why Are Trees Important

Trees are very important to us. Do you know why? Let me tell you.

Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and make oxygen. That's important. People and animals need oxygen to live. Many small animals and inserts live in the trees. Some of them also get food from trees. Trees can also stop water and soil from going away. If we have a lot of trees, we stop deserts from being large. I think this is very important. You know, trees are green. They can make our country even more beautiful.

Trees are our good friends. We should plant more trees and take good care of them.


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