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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-04-15

When cellphone became popular among students many years ago, many teachers were so worried about students' attention in the class would be distracted, so they forbid students to bring cellphone in the classroom. As the time went by, though it has been admitted to use cellphone in the classroom, the schools still try to find a way to limit it.


Cellphone seems to be the teachers' enemy in the classroom. When they are teaching knowledge, they find most students are lowering down their heads to play cellphone. It must frustrate teachers so much. In order to focus students' attention, they figure out all the ways. Recently, it has been reported that the students' cellphones were handed in and then destroyed in a college. Surely, the public condemned the school's extreme regulation, which is not a wise choice to do it.


Cellphone has been part of our life. Even the teachers can't live without cellphone, let alone to grab it from students. The way to catch students' attention is to make their lessons vivid and interesting. At the same time, it is important to let student realize what they will miss if they can't focus attention.



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