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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-09-14




1. 新房子位于中心街;

2. 新房子很大而且干净;

3. 新房子左边是一个饭店,右边是一个邮局,对面是一个超市,后面是一个花园,附近还有银行和图书馆。


1. 语句通顺,语意连贯;

2. 介绍要包括所有的提示信息;

3. 不少于60个词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Hi, Julie! Let me tell you about my new house.


Hi,Julie!Let me tell you about my new house.It's on Center Street. It's very big and clean. There is a restaurant on the left of it.On the right of it is a post office,Across from it is a supermarket.There is a small garden behind it. I usually take a walk in the garden.There is also a bank and a library near it.I like it very much.Last month I moved into my new house.Welcome to my new house one day.


这是一篇提示性作文,要围绕所给提示语展开写作。提示语共有三条:1. 新房子位于中心街;

新房子很大而且干净;3. 新房子左边是一个饭店,右边是一个邮局,对面是一个超市,后面是一个花

园,附近还有银行和图书馆。作文要有适当发挥,应用词汇和语法结构要正确; 上下文要连贯以及语言要得体。还要注意拼写和标点符号。

【亮点说明】这篇作文写得不错,介绍清楚明白。并且在文中运用了大量的短语,on the left of ;across from; take a walk; move into;welcome to等等,为作文增添了色彩。而且文中有适当发挥,Let me tell you about my new house.Welcome to my new house one day.前后句连接紧密,内容完整,表达清楚,行文连贯,语言正确。


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