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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2019-12-21

It's understandable that, faced with the increasingly stern situation of employment, a great majority (绝大多数) of undergraduates choose the way of trying for master programs to deepen their professional knowledge, so as to avoid a period of sluggish (低迷的) job market and better find the development opportunities.


Furthermore, a satisfactory salary and benefits package (福利待遇) will guarantee the standard of their life, while a pleasant atmosphere in workplace is a necessary element to prevent distractions and focus on work itself.


Today's employers are putting increasing emphasis on candidate's problem-solving skills and the correct mindset (思维模式) to get a job which are unfortunately found missing from most young graduates.


To assure smooth integration into professional life, and hence into society, students need to equip themselves with (装备)a battery of professional practical skills and develop a career plan aligned with (使一致) their abilities and interests instead of continuing to moan about (抱怨)the lack of employment opportunities.


As time passed, the rapid expansion of programs and the quality of MBA students have become controversial topics(有争议的话题), both in and out of business.


Maybe today's employers place a higher value upon (更注重) a job-hunter's practical work experience, professional background and personal capability.



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