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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2020-04-12



Britech is now designing an app that helps learners with their English writing. The app is to help learners explore ideas, organize them and write them down. Your ideas are needed!

Here' s what to do:

Write to share your ideas! Feel free to be creative!

Please let us know:

● What's the name of the app?

● What problem does the app solve?

● What does the app do?

Contact us at appdesign@Britech.com.




Dear Sir or Madam,

Thanks for designing an app for English writing.


Li Hua


Dear Sir or Madam,

Thanks for designing an APP for English writing. I'd like to share my ideas here. Could its name be "write made easy"?

Many of us have difficulty in writing. We don't know how to organize ideas, use proper words, and so on. I hope it can solve these problems.

Here is my advice on what the APP does. First, it should provide some reading materials. The more we read, the better we write. Second, The APP should have an online course so that we can develop our writing skills. Third, there should be an e-teacher who can correct mistakes and offer suggestions.

I hope my advice is worth taking.


Li Hua


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