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如何保护自己 How to protect myself

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-04-17


As a student,I think it important for me to protect myself from dangerous situations.First of all,I must calm down as soon as possible,for panicking is of no help.Then,as is know to all,calling 119 immediately is the most effective way to save myself.As well as that,it is best to take the stairs instead of elevators. IN conclusion,with positive attitude and sufficient preparations,I will be able to protect myself from fires.


The rivers near our city have been seriously polluted recently. The clear water has gone. 最近,我们城市附近的河流被严重污染了。清洁的水不见了。 There used to be many fishes swimmi...[阅读全文]

Impression on Three Days to Light During the summervacation, I read a great book, The Story of My Life. I am greatly inspirited bythis book, by the story of Helen Keller. In this b...[阅读全文]