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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-08-22

In the past few years, more and more people like to watch the Spring-Fest Evening Party in the last day of one year. It seems that became the most important part in their lives. But nowadays some one suggests we should cancel it and get something instead of it because they feel it so boring. In my point of view, I think it should be not cancelled.


My reason it has followed:


First, since we have it, more and more people think it's the important thing in their lives, if we cancel it, it seems we lost something we don't mentioned it.


For example, we didn't put something in our heart in the ordinary life,but if we lost it, we found something really lost.


Second, Spring-Fest Evening Party is familiar with the old people, they like to see the familiar faces in the end of the year.


Third, the day for our Chinese people is so big and important, it means reunion.So in that day after supper we have the habit to watch it. In which means it became the part or even the blood in our lives.


Give the suggests is we should change the way or the content of the Spring-Fest Evening Party, and in that means we have give some new inventions into it. So it not only interested to the most of the people ,but also keep the tradition in our lives.



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