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春游计划作文 Spring outing plan composition

作者: admin2来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-23

 春游计划作文 Spring outing plan composition

Today is Sunday our classmates to Zeya spring outing, along the way we arrived at Zeya singing and laughing. We first went to dig bamboo shoots, at first we could not find one, and then after parents taught us how to find bamboo shoots, we found one after another. If we can't dig, call the grown-ups for help. We all dug a lot.
Then Tong Xin's mother said there was treasure in the bamboo forest, let us all go and find it. There's a prize when you find it. Everyone wants to get a prize on a piece of the treasure, soon I found a treasure map, find a look inside just a number, no prizes, is lost when Tong Xin mother said to find him there for prizes, I can't wait to run over for a change; What I got was a pair of sharp scissors. Although I have a lot at home, I am still very happy; Then the students all found the treasure map one by one and got a prize of their own. Everyone had a good time.
We played the game and ate. After eating, we went to the stream to play for a while throwing rocks and taking group photos. I went to see the paper. The day slowly dark, the sun also set, we all went home.
春游计划作文 Spring outing plan composition
一走进小桃园,草地上的小草长出了新芽bud; sprouting;,嫩绿light green; verdancy;嫩绿light green; verdancy;的。旁边的小野花wild flower;红似火,黄似金……美丽极了。河边的柳树妹妹也在精心梳理自己的美发,还加上add; plus; with the addition of;了青绿dark green;色的蝴蝶结。
沿着石子路继续向前走,是大片大片的桃树。桃花有两种颜色,一种深红色;一种粉红色。如果你要问我喜欢哪一种,我当然喜欢粉红色,因为它不像深红这么妖艳pretty and coquettish;,素净plain and neat; quiet (colour);淡雅quietly elegant; simple and elegant;。这是,一阵春风吹来,花瓣从天上撒落下来,十分美丽;好像下了一阵花瓣雨,我便会情不自禁的翩翩起舞。
小朋友们有的追逐打闹,有的在草地上打滚roll about; roll on the ground;,开心极了。带人们有的拍照留念,有的烧烤,野餐,也很开心;老人呢有的跳广场舞,有的打拳box; shadowboxing; practice boxing;,有的.舞剑……奥!里面还有一个游乐场,可好玩了!


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