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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-08-30

假定你是Nancy,在一个英文网站上,你看到一个网名叫Lazy Bone的中学生发帖寻求帮助。请根据写作要求回帖。
 高二英语作文 谈谈坚持锻炼的好处









Hi, Lazy Bone,

I used to have the same problem! I used to tell myself I would work out later, because



Wish you success!



坚持锻炼的好处 英语作文范文:

Hi, Lazy Bone,

I used to have the same problem! I used to tell myself I would work out later, because I was too busy to have sports, or I was too tired today...As a result, I never put my workout plan into practice. www.yyzw.com

As you know, exercise benefits us in many ways.Not only does it improve our health, it also makes us cheerful and raises our learning efficiency.Having realized the importance of exercise, I work out regularly at present.

I suggest you make a practical workout plan and set aside some time each day to do exercise.You can go in for sports you like and have various sports in a week.Above all, you'd better find a workout partner.In this case, both of you can inspire and monitor each other.Of course, you can reward yourself by treating yourself to some delicious food.

Wish you success!




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