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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2016-10-29

There are many television programs in taiwan today, from tv aeries, quiz shows, soap operas, movies to cartoons. of all the programs, i like to watch cartoons the best, like cartoon network, disney and many others. i like to watch cartoons because they are funny and very interesting, especially when i am sad, tired or bored.

I also like cartoon characters. they are so cute and vivid. we must use our imagination when we watch cartoons. because they are often exaggerated, so you need to have a sense of humor.


Since I go to school, the teachers gave us the class in the classroom, it seemed that sitting in the chair and looking at the blackboard are the only way to receive the knowledge. ...[阅读全文]

We couldn't believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the...[阅读全文]