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作者: admin3来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-27

 Here are some of the top thoughtful and incisive sentences, which are full of philosophy and touch the heart, I hope you will enjoy:

1. Life is like a book, not the thickness of it, but whether the content is worth reading.
1. 人生就像一本书,不在乎它的厚度,而在于其内容是否值得一读。
2. Life doesn't choose you, but you choose how to live your life.
2. 不是生活选择了你,而是你选择了如何生活。
3.  True loneliness lies not in having no one around, but in having no love in your heart.
3. 真正的孤独不在于身边无人,而在于心中无爱。
Time is the best medicine and the most just judge, it heals everything and reveals everything.
4. 时间是最好的良药,也是最公正的法官,它治愈一切,揭示一切。
5. Happiness is not about having everything you want, it's about appreciating what you have and appreciating its true value.
5. 幸福不是拥有你想要的一切,而是珍惜你已拥有的,并欣赏它的真实价值。
6. To grow up is to learn to reconcile with your past and dance with the imperfections of life.
6. 成长,就是学会与自己的过去和解,与生活的不完美共舞。
7.  Don't be afraid of shadows, for there is light behind you.
7. 不要害怕阴影,那是因为有光在你身后。
Love is willing to treat each other gently even if the world is riddled with holes.
8. 爱,是即使世界千疮百孔,仍愿意温柔相待。
Wisdom consists not in knowing much, but in knowing what to ignore and what to value.
9. 智慧不在于知道多少,而在于知道什么该忽略,什么该珍视。
10.  Life has no rehearsal, every day is a live broadcast, so please go all out and leave no regrets.
10. 人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播,所以请全力以赴,不留遗憾。


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