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作者: admin3来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-27


As you celebrate your birthday, you can choose these emotionally intelligent, positive sentences that both express your blessings and demonstrate maturity and gratitude:
Time is like a poem, grateful for the gift of another spring and autumn.
1. 岁月如诗,感恩又一载春秋的馈赠。
May today I smile more brightly, have a stronger heart, and walk more calmly.
Happy birthday!
2.  Time flies, it's time to share the cake with the world.
2. 时光荏苒,又到了与世界分享蛋糕的日子。
Thank you for the past experience that shaped me today, and look forward to the future days to continue to write wonderful.
Dear myself, happy birthday!
3.  Today, I celebrate not only the day I was born, but every moment of growth in my life.
3. 今天,我不仅庆祝出生的日子,更庆祝生命中的每一个成长瞬间。
May the New Year be a year old, with wisdom and love, kindness and courage.
Happy birthday, dear myself!
4. On this special day, I want to say to myself: Thank you for your persistence, your dreams and your smile.
4. 在这个特别的日子里,我要对自己说:感谢你的坚持,你的梦想,你的微笑。
May you continue to be passionate about excellence and enjoy every gift of life in the coming year.
Happy birthday!
5. Years have given me rings and stories.
5. 岁月赋予我年轮,也赋予我故事。
On this birthday day, may I remember the beauty of the past with a grateful heart, embrace the happiness of the present, and look forward to the infinite possibilities of the future.
Happy birthday to myself!
6.  is a starting point of reincarnation, grateful parents gave me life, grateful life gave me experience.
6. 又是一个轮回的起点,感恩父母赋予我生命,感恩生活赠予我历练。
May I embrace the world with a broader vision, deeper thinking and more sincere love in the New Year.
Happy birthday, dear myself!
7.  On the stage of life, I am both the protagonist and the director.
7. 在人生的舞台上,我既是主角也是导演。
Today, I want to applaud for myself, for every brave choice, every persistent persistence, every moment of real laughter.
Happy birthday, my dear myself, may the future script be more wonderful!
8.  On this birthday, may I continue to dream, be enthusiastic, be kind to others, and love myself.
8. 生辰之日,愿我继续怀揣梦想,保持热忱,善待他人,珍爱自己。
Time does not live, the season such as flow, I hope that my original heart does not change, smile at life.
Happy birthday to me!
9.  Years are silent, but they have left the most beautiful mark on me.
9. 岁月无声,却在我身上留下了最美的印记。
Thank you for the growth and harvest in the past year, and look forward to the challenges and surprises in the coming year.
At this moment, I want to say to myself: Happy birthday, dear myself, you deserve all the good in the world!
10.  As I embark on this new chapter of my life, I make a promise to myself: no matter what twists and turns lie ahead, I will remain optimistic, positive, and brave.
10. 在生命的新篇章开启之际,我向自己许下承诺:无论前路如何曲折,都要保持乐观、积极、勇敢。
Happy birthday, my dear self, may you meet a better self in the future journey!


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