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作者: admin3来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-27


Here are some beautiful sentences describing the breath of spring, hoping to bring you to feel the beauty and vitality of spring:
1.  The spring breeze gently blows, everything wakes up, and the air is filled with the fresh and full of poetry, which is the unique breath of spring, like an unfinished anthem.
1. 春风轻拂,万物苏醒,空气中弥漫着新生的清新与盎然的诗意,那是春天独有的气息,宛如一首未完的赞歌。
2.  The warm sun in spring has melted the silence of winter, the grass and trees are drawing new green, the flowers are smiling, the breeze brings the fragrance of the earth and the sweetness of the stamens, which is the breath of spring, warm and intoxicating.
2. 春日暖阳洒落,融化了冬的沉寂,草木抽新绿,花儿含笑,微风携来泥土的芬芳与花蕊的甜蜜,那是春天的气息,温暖而醉人。
3. The spring breeze blows across the field, blowing the green willow, blowing open the peach blossom, blowing up the dormant life.
3. 春风吹过原野,吹绿了柳丝,吹开了桃花,吹醒了蛰伏的生命。
The dazzling green and colorful colors, interwoven into a vibrant picture, interpreting the breath of spring.
4.  The breath of spring is hidden in the moist soil, where there are sprouts breaking through the soil;
4. 春天的气息藏在湿润的土壤里,那里孕育着破土而出的嫩芽;
Hidden in the gentle song of birds, where the joy of life is transmitted;
Hidden in the butterfly dancing posture, there deduces the romance of spring.
5.  Walking in the spring, the tip of my nose is haunted by the faint smell of flowers and moist grass, the echoing water and chirping birds in my ears, and the blooming flowers and tender leaves are dancing in front of my eyes. This is the breath of spring, delicate and vivid.
5. 漫步于春光之中,鼻尖萦绕的是淡淡的花香与湿润的青草味,耳畔回响的是潺潺流水与啾啾鸟鸣,眼前跳跃的是繁花似锦与嫩叶婆娑,这就是春天的气息,细腻而生动。
6.  The breath of spring is the moment when the crystal dew falls off the petals in the morning sun, the mottled light of the afternoon sun penetrates the tender leaves, the curling smoke floating over the fields at dusk, and the shadow of the cherry trees swaying gently under the moonlight at night.
6. 春天的气息,是晨曦中晶莹的露珠滑落花瓣的瞬间,是午后阳光穿透嫩叶的斑驳光影,是黄昏时分田野上空飘荡的袅袅炊烟,是夜晚月光下轻轻摇曳的樱花树影。
7. The spring breeze is like a poem, gently opening the title page of the earth and writing out the breath of spring -- it is a vibrant power, a joy of recovery of all things, a peace and harmony that hope quietly blooms in the heart.
7. 春风如诗,轻轻翻开大地的扉页,书写出春天的气息——那是一种生机勃发的力量,一种万物复苏的喜悦,一种希望在心田悄然绽放的宁静与和谐。
8.  Spring rain, moistening all things, washing the dust, so that the earth covered with a layer of vibrant green.
8. 春雨绵绵,润泽万物,洗尽尘埃,让大地披上一层生机盎然的绿装。
The air is filled with the smell of moist earth, mixed with the sweet smell of new sprouts, which is the breath of spring, pure and pleasant.
9.  The breath of spring is the graceful weeping willows on the river, the golden color of the rape flowers in the field, the delicate beauty of the rhododendrons in the mountains, the song of the birds in the forest, and the yearning and expectation of a better life in the heart.
9. 春天的气息是那河畔垂柳的婀娜,是那田野油菜花的金黄,是那山间杜鹃花的娇艳,是那林间鸟儿的欢歌,更是那心中对美好生活的向往与期待。
10.  The breath of spring, like a beautiful pastoral poem, croons in every blooming flower, dances lightly on every stretch of green leaves, sings lightly in every wisp of breeze, making people revel in this poem and painting of nature.
10. 春天的气息,如同一首优美的田园诗篇,它在每一朵绽放的花蕊中低吟,在每一片舒展的绿叶上轻舞,在每一缕拂面的微风中浅唱,让人陶醉在这大自然的诗与画中。


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