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作者: admin3来源: 网络文章 时间: 2024-04-27


May 2024 CET-4 Translation Phrases (5 must memorize)
4 Translation phrase 1
1. technological development - technological development
2. economic globalization
3. environmental protection - environmental protection
4. healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle
5. online shopping - online shopping
6. cultural diversity - cultural diversity
7. educational reform - educational reform
8. tourism industry - tourism industry
9. social issues - social issues
10. urbanization process
11. entrepreneurial spirit
12. low-carbon lifestyle
13. artificial intelligence
14. globalization process
15. rural development - rural development
16. air quality - air quality
17. healthy eating - healthy eating
18. social networking - social networking
19. renewable energy - renewable energy
20. educational technology - educational technology
Four translation phrase two
1. technological innovation
2. corporate competitiveness
3. mental health - mental health
4. cultural exchange
5. volunteer work - volunteer work
6. health insurance - health insurance
7. career planning
8. consumer rights
9. social security - social security
10. urban-rural gap
11. Olympic spirit - Olympic spirit
12. internet literacy
13. energy conservation and emission reduction
14. human resources - human resources
15. traffic safety - traffic safety
16. environmental protection awareness
17. health crisis - health crisis
18. community service - community service
19. tourism resources - tourism resources
20. low-carbon economy - Low-carbon economy
4 Translation phrase 3
1. quality-oriented education
2. labor employment - labor employment
3. mental health - mental health
4. cultural inheritance - cultural heritage
5. entrepreneurial opportunities
6. consumer behavior
7. social stability - social stability
8. urban-rural development
9. environmental protection policies
10. healthy lifestyle - healthy lifestyle
11. online shopping - online shopping
12. career development
13. educational equity
14. technology entrepreneurship - technology entrepreneurship
15. community construction
16. health education - health education
17. energy crisis - energy crisis
18. internet literacy
19. population aging
20. low carbon technology - low carbon technology
Translation phrase four
1. economic recovery - economic recovery
2. social responsibility - social responsibility
3. technological innovation
4. educational reform - educational reform
5. health crisis - health crisis
6. cultural tradition - cultural tradition
7. environmental protection - environmental protection
8. social welfare - social welfare
9. urban-rural gap
10. labor rights - labor rights
11. Eat healthy - Eat healthy
12. online education - online education
13. energy conservation - energy conservation
14. mental health - mental health
15. demographic dividend
16. technological innovation
17. tourism development - tourism development
18. consumer rights - consumer rights
19. educational investment
20. low-carbon economy - Low-carbon economy
Four translation phrases five
1. artificial intelligence
2. big data - big data
3. core socialist values - core socialist values
4. innovation and entrepreneurship
5. smart city - smart city
6. financial technology - financial technology
7. sharing economy
8. cyberpower
9. precision poverty alleviation
10. The Belt and Road Initiative
11. eco-tourism
12. cultural output - cultural output
13. social media - social media
14. cyber security - cyber security
15. health care - health care
16. voluntary service - voluntary service
17. educational equity
18. human resources - human resources
19. Green energy - renewable energy
20. e-commerce - E-commerce


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