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作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2018-06-10

 5, light diet drink plenty of water


6, eat more vegetables


7, in the haze weather minimize out.


8, pay attention to the speed drive


9, when you go out, do a self protective, wear special anti PM2.5, anti haze haze mask nose cover, filter the PM2.5 whenever and wherever possible, to breathe the fresh air.


Exercise 10, to avoid fog. Can be changed when the sun comes out to do morning exercises. Can also be replaced by exercising indoors.


11, patient adherence to medication. Respiratory disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients in the fog should insist on to take medicine on time


12, don't close the window too strict. Can choose to midday when the sunnier, fewer pollutants of short time window ventilation.


13, try to stay away from the road. The rush hour and evening large cars into the city of these time periods, the highest concentration of pollutants.


14, calcium, vitamin D, eat tofu, Sydney



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