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善意的谎言之我见 My View on White Lies

作者: admin来源: 网络文章 时间: 2021-08-01

Actually, the question about whether we should tell white lies in our daily life has always been an intense debate over these years. Different people have different opinions.


Many people believe that we need tell white lies in some moments in our life due to kindness in order to avoid hurting others' feelings. White lies have magic power to give people much hope and warmth. For instance, if you tell the truth to a patient who gets incurable disease, he would feel much despaired. On the contrary, if you tell white lies to him, he can probably enjoy the rest of his life more hopefully and more peacefully. However, others argue that no one should tell lies, no matter what kind of lies. And they also contend that everybody should know the truth about himself in any cases. A white lie is essentially a lie. People may feel betrayed when they know the truth eventually. And more seriously, it can wreck a precious relationship.


As far as I am concerned, whether we should tell lies really depends on its result may be caused. When we tell a white lie, we had better take into consideration what the occasion at that time is and what the result it brings.



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