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  • 学生课堂上玩手机 发表日期:2017-07-21

    Nowadays, with the development of high technology, smart phone is very popular among the high school students. The smart phone once was thought to be forbidden using in the class, now has become very common tool for students. A lot of stud...

  • 一个慵懒的寒假 A Lazy Winter Holiday 发表日期:2017-07-05

    This winter is freezing cold. I didn't have any desire to go out for play. I always stayed at home. Actually, most of the time I was in my bed. When I felt anxious for staying inside too long, I will go near the window to wach the children...

  • 万圣节活动 Activities in Halloween 发表日期:2017-06-28

    Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door. If people don't give them the candy, the...

  • 跑步 Running 发表日期:2017-06-22

    I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it's very easy for me to running. I can run...

  • 人物介绍英语作文 Introduce a Person 发表日期:2017-06-22

    Li Yan, an engineer, was born on February 9, 1965 in Beijing, China. After he graduated from Qinghua University in 1987, he made an important decision in his life. He decided to go to the United States for his further study. After four yea...

  • 英语阅读兴趣的调查 发表日期:2017-05-22

    Recently a survey has been done to find out the reading interests of senior middle school students. In this survey, one thousand senior middle school students from ten schools in Hubei Province were interviewed. They were asked which they...

  • 我理想中的校园生活 My Dream School Life 发表日期:2017-05-22

    My dream school day starts at 8:30 a.m. It finishes at 3 p.m. so we would have a lot of time for after-school activities. 我的理想学校每天上午8:30开始它下午3点结束。所以我们会有很多时间进行课外活动。 We have half an hour for lunch. We can...

  • 学习知识要讲究方法 Approaches to Knowledge 发表日期:2017-04-04

    There have been a lot of ways of acquiring knowledge. And the number is increasing unexpectedly owing to the popularization of modern mass media. However, reading books has always been the major and convenient approach to knowledge. One ma...

  • 如何实现梦想 How to make your dream come true? 发表日期:2017-02-23

    I always hear about my friends' complaining, they say their income is such low that they can't not make ends meet. At first, I would pity for them, but in the long run, I find their work is so easy, they just sit in the office from 9 am to...

  • 我的父亲 My father 发表日期:2017-01-23

    There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at h...

  • 关于黑板的英语作文 Blackboard 发表日期:2017-01-22

    Anyone who has ever been to school would have seen many blackboards big and small on which characters in different colors of chalk are written. The blackboard is a kind of cultural tool. It is usually made of wooden boards four to five cen...

  • 机器代替人? Will Robot Take the Place of Men 发表日期:2017-01-11

    Many years ago, as the development of technology, robot was created to facilitate people's work. Robot can do many things for men, like it will accept the order and then carry out it. The most obvious advantage of robot is to caculate very...

  • 中国的早期教育 Early Education in China 发表日期:2017-01-08

    Chinese are very generous while educating children. Not caring about the money, parents of-ten send their children to the best schools or even abroad to study because they believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is....

  • 描写一处风景名胜 发表日期:2017-01-08

    假如你是厦门市某中学的学生,为响应网上品牌旅游区的征文活动,请根据下面提示以Gulangyu A fairyland in the world 为题,写一篇短文参加应征,向人们推荐鼓浪屿。 鼓浪屿是厦门市的一个小岛,整个岛像个水上花园,被称为 人间仙境; 岛上不允许车辆行驶,...

  • 回忆快乐的童年 A Pleasant Memory of My Childhood 发表日期:2017-01-03

    I am already 18 years old, but the memory of my childhood is still like an unforgettable sweet dream. One day, all my family went to climb a mountain. There father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top of the mou...